The Pearl, the Gems Queen

The pearl has been one of the most cherished gems throughout human history. Interestingly, it begins its life as an irritation for a living being. A grain of sand enters an oyster’s shell, and to isolate itself from this intruder, the creature covers it with a white substance known as nacre. The process is slow, much like life in the ocean. A 10mm pearl can take between 10 and 36 months to form.
Бижута и пеперуди
От дълбините на историята, човечеството е считало пеперудите за божествени създания и им е приписвало силна символика.
От най-ранните индиански племена в Америка до гърците, китайците и японците – всяка култура има свои митове и вярвания, свързани с тези красиви същества. Често пеперудите се свързват с духове, съдбата, считат се за проявление на човешката душа, или символизират любов, чистота или прераждане. В някои периоди са се носили в чест на починал близък или за да изразят духовна победа или съпротива, постигната от притежателя им. Независимо от причината, трябва да признаем, че малко неща в природата предлагат чистата симетрия и геометрична красота, която пеперудите ни предоставят.
Покупка на бижута в трудни времена

По време на войни и кризи вниманието ни е насочено предимно към текущите проблеми. Малко са темите, които наистина заемат ума ни, ако не предоставят пряко решение на днешните предизвикателства. Но има ли място за покупка на бижута в днешните условия? Изненадващо, да. Бижутата винаги са били символ на престиж, богатство, власт и авторитет. Въпреки че днес много хора ги възприемат само като украшения, тяхното значение не е намаляло. Независимо дали става дума за значимо събитие като сватба, раждане, първо причастие или годишнина, ние винаги търсим нещо уникално и неповторимо. А ако става дума за инвестиция? Можете да купувате бижута с инвестиционна цел, но само ако мислите в дългосрочен план. Ако закупите художествено изделие, стойността му вероятно ще се увеличи с времето. Това може да се отрази по два начина. Първо, с течение на годините творецът вероятно ще постигне по-голям комерсиален успех и цените на неговите произведения ще се покачат. Второ, не по-малко важно – с времето стойността на материала, от който е изработено бижуто, също ще се повиши. Например, през 1998 г. цената на златото не надвишаваше 292 USD за унция, докато през 2018 г. затвори на 1281,65 USD за унция (Източник: Така че, покупката на бижута е по-свързана с престиж, наследство или колекциониране, отколкото с препродажба. Любопитно: В Русия и други страни от бившия Съветски съюз съществува традиция да се подаряват златни бижута на малки момичета. Тези бижута се превръщат в тяхно съкровище, което в трудни времена може да служи като осезаема касичка. Наложените санкции върху банковите сметки на руски граждани, живеещи в Европейския съюз, силно засягат качеството им на живот. В много случаи начинът за оцеляване на кризата за тях се крие в бижутата, които всяка жена натрупва през живота си. А в краткосрочен план? Лично аз не бих препоръчала покупката на бижута с цел бърза препродажба. Повечето бижута губят поне 50% от продажната си стойност, веднага щом напуснат магазина. Това, което най-често се купува в повечето бижутерийни магазини, може да се счита за “бижутерийно конфекционно производство,” и при препродажба обикновено може да се възстанови само част от стойността на материала. Покупка на скъпи бижута в трудни времена? Аз бих казала да. В крайна сметка, стойността на парите постоянно пада, докато предметите на изкуството и украшенията обикновено увеличават своята стойност с времето. Освен това, в времена, когато банките се стремят да дигитализират парите и да премахнат физическите банкноти, тези предмети могат да бъдат добро решение за запазване на платежоспособността. По този начин, освен че украсявате тоалета си за специални поводи, вие също така придобивате актив, който ви осигурява дългосрочна стабилност.
Jewelry and Butterflies

Jewelry and Butterflies Home :: TH Magazine :: Jewelry and Butterflies Those mystical creatures have a lot to do with the jewelry Since the dawn of history, humanity has regarded butterflies as divine creatures, imbuing them with powerful symbolism. From the earliest indigenous tribes of the Americas to the Greeks, Chinese, and Japanese, every culture has its own myths and beliefs connected to these beautiful creatures. Butterflies are often associated with spirits, fate, and are considered manifestations of the human soul. They also represent love, purity, or rebirth. At certain times, they were worn to commemorate a deceased loved one or to express spiritual victory or resilience achieved by the wearer. Regardless of the reason, one must recognize that there are few examples of pure symmetry and geometric beauty in nature like those of butterflies. Today, I would like to share a small selection of jewelry pieces from different periods that feature butterflies as their central theme. Jade Butterfly, Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.) A truly rare and valuable piece, this jade butterfly was crafted during the Qin Dynasty, around 221 B.C. Its current price is €48,849. Gold Necklace with Diamond Butterfly and Ceylon Sapphire This gold necklace, featuring a butterfly adorned with diamonds and centered by a stunning Ceylon sapphire, was crafted in the 1950s. Its current price is €19,706. Convertible Jewel: Pendant, Brooch, or Ring This unique piece, made of shell pearl, pink sapphire, and gold, can be worn as a pendant, brooch, or ring. Its current price is €17,870. Cast Iron Necklace, Prussia (1840) This necklace represents a trend of humility and modesty that emerged in 19th-century Prussia. In contrast to the French court’s luxurious fashions, Prussian dresses were simplified, using lighter and less expensive fabrics. This shift inevitably influenced jewelry design as well, with gold being replaced by cast iron. The piece shown here dates to around 1840 and is attributed to Siméon Pierre Devaranne. It is priced at €10,625. Gold, Diamond, and Sapphire Necklace, Van Cleef & Arpels This sophisticated necklace by Van Cleef & Arpels, made of gold, diamonds, and sapphire, is available for €7,607. Platinum and Diamond Brooch, Tiffany & Co. (1996) This platinum and diamond brooch from Tiffany & Co., dating back to 1996, is for sale at €5,477. An interesting fact about Tiffany is that they were the first to set diamonds in platinum instead of silver, which was common practice at the time due to platinum’s higher melting point (1768°C compared to silver’s 961°C) and the difficulty of working with it. A Look at the Jewelry Industry in Spain A quick internet search shows that D’Or Joiers is the jewelry company with the highest revenue in Spain, generating €24 million annually. Much of this income comes from producing pieces for Tiffany & Co., their only client. With solid investments in their own gold museum (D’Or Museum) and the hospitality sector, the company has managed to minimize the impact of the industry’s struggles during the pandemic. While most companies in the sector have experienced significant losses, three out of the ten leading jewelry firms have seen increased revenues. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? Cancel reply Logged in as admin. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* You MIGHT ALSO READ The Pearl, the Gems Queen Buying Jewelry In Difficult Times Contact Data Madrid, Spain Monday – Friday 10:00AM – 18:00PM Contact us +34 672 20 64 90 Facebook Instagram Youtube Inside TH JEWELS Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels SPECIAL AFFAIRS VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders OTHER SERVICES Online Client Attention Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Online Client Attention Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Contact Data Madrid, Spain Monday – Friday 10:00AM – 18:00PM Contact us +34 672 20 64 90 Facebook Instagram Youtube Inside TH JEWELS Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels SPECIAL AFFAIRS VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders OTHER SERVICES Videocalls Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Terms & Conditions Legal Advice Privacy Policy Cookie Policy How To Buy Delivery Returns Guarantees Terms & Conditions Legal Advice Privacy Policy Cookie Policy How To Buy Delivery Returns Guarantees © 2024 TH Jewelsdesign: Creativos WEB
Buying Jewelry In Difficult Times
Buying Jewelry In Difficult Times Home :: TH Magazine :: Buying Jewelry in Difficult Times JEWELRY AS A WALLET During times of war and crisis, our focus tends to be on the issues of the day. There are few topics that truly capture our minds if they don’t directly offer a solution to current problems. But is there room for buying jewelry amidst today’s challenges? Surprisingly, yes. Jewelry has always been a symbol of prestige, wealth, authority, and power. Today, it may be more of an accessory for most people, but its importance has not diminished. Whether it’s for a significant occasion such as a wedding, birth, communion, or anniversary, we always seek something unique and irreplaceable. What about as an investment? You can buy jewelry as an investment, but only if you’re thinking long-term. When you purchase an artistic piece, its value will likely multiply over the years. This increase can be seen in two ways. First, over time, the artist may gain more commercial success, leading to higher prices for their works. Second, and no less important, the value of the materials used to create the piece, such as gold or gemstones, will also rise. For instance, in 1998 the price of gold was around 292 USD per ounce, while in 2018 it closed at 1281.65 USD per ounce (Source: Therefore, buying jewelry is more connected to prestige, heritage, or collecting, rather than resale. Curiosity: In Russia and former Soviet countries, there is a tradition of gifting gold jewelry to young girls. These pieces become their personal treasure, which can act as a tangible savings in times of crisis. The sanctions imposed on the bank accounts of Russian nationals living across the European Union have severely impacted their lives. In many cases, the way to survive this crisis lies in the jewelry each woman has accumulated throughout her life. And in the short term? Personally, I wouldn’t recommend buying jewelry for short-term resale. Most jewelry loses at least 50% of its retail price the moment it leaves the store. What you often buy in most jewelry stores is a type of “jewelry confection,” which, in the event of a resale, will only recover part of the value of the materials used. Buying expensive jewelry in difficult times? I would say yes. After all, the value of money is constantly falling, while decorative objects and art tend to appreciate over time. Moreover, in times when banks are pushing to digitize money and phase out physical cash, these objects can be a good solution for maintaining solvency. In this way, beyond adorning your wardrobe on special occasions, what you’re acquiring is long-term peace of mind. It’s about stability with no alternative in any other asset. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? Cancel reply Logged in as admin. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* You MIGHT ALSO READ The Pearl, the Gems Queen Buying Jewelry In Difficult Times Jewelry and Butterflies Contact Data Madrid, Spain Monday – Friday 10:00AM – 18:00PM Contact us +34 672 20 64 90 Facebook Instagram Youtube Inside TH JEWELS Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels SPECIAL AFFAIRS VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders OTHER SERVICES Online Client Attention Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Online Client Attention Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Contact Data Madrid, Spain Monday – Friday 10:00AM – 18:00PM Contact us +34 672 20 64 90 Facebook Instagram Youtube Inside TH JEWELS Our Story How we work Why TH Jewels? The World of TH Jewels SPECIAL AFFAIRS VIP Club Retailers For Sellers Group Orders OTHER SERVICES Videocalls Gift Certificates Bespoke Jewelry B2B Services Terms & Conditions Legal Advice Privacy Policy Cookie Policy How To Buy Delivery Returns Guarantees Terms & Conditions Legal Advice Privacy Policy Cookie Policy How To Buy Delivery Returns Guarantees © 2024 TH Jewelsdesign: Creativos WEB